Cord blood banking image
Why Should a Baby's Cord Blood Be Banked?

When a couple welcome a new born within their loved ones, there really are a lot many thoughts circulating their thoughts regarding the little one's future and their wellbeing. One such crucial factor to remember may be that the preservation of this umbilical cord. In years past the umbilical cord blood was instantly thrown off, but now researchers have demonstrated that the blood within these cords have numerous health benefits and ergo cord blood banking Calgary is gaining reputation.


The fluid of their umbilical cord houses lots of stem cells which help overcome life threatening ailments. Health risks like anemia, cancer and a great deal of psychiatric disorders may be treated effectively with these stem cells.

When it comes to the task of collecting these fluids, they are quite easy as compared to anesthetically extracted stem cells in bone marrow. On a report of numbers, the stem cells extracted from umbilical cord blood are 10 times wealthier with compatible fluids than those when extracted from bone marrow. Additionally, there are minimum probability of this cord blood carrying some infectious diseases. The likelihood of getting rejected by mature stem cells have been also mathematically halved when it regards cord blood banking Calgary.


Public cord banks provide free storage facilities. Those who are in urgent need of the fluids may collect it from the donor. The given blood bank can also be used for research purposes.
Private cord banks stores contributed blood only for serving your family members of their donor. These blood banks can be pricey. These business banks charge commissions both for processing in addition to on yearly storage foundation.
Direct-donation banks functions the reason for both the private and public banks when the need arises. Besides preserving blood for general uses, in addition they accept contributions that are booked designed for family functions.
How to Gather the blood?

After child birth, the doctors clamp the umbilical cord primarily in 2 places leaving a gap of 10 inches in between, that makes it possible for the baby to become separated from her mum. Subsequently the physician injects a needle into the cord and hastens 40 ml blood. The blood is sealed and provided for the cord blood banking Calgary centre for storage or testing purposes. The procedure is totally painless and only takes about a few minutes to complete.